Beauty Food

Right now I’m obsessed with pretty much everything at Organic Avenue, a vegan juice and raw food store that’s a few minutes’ walk from my office in SoHo. I have them on speed-dial for their tart and sweet Ginger Lemonade, raw green Sun Soup and perfectly seasoned Kale Chips.

On days when I feel like I’m dragging, their Chlorophyll Elixir always does the trick.

Ginger Lemonade, Chlorophyll Elixer, Kale Chips, Sun Soup

Check them out at and visit their LES Store

Denise Mari, Founder of Organic Avenue

The Space of LOVE* (Live. Organic. Vegan. Experience.)
116 Suffolk Street
(between Rivington & Delancey)
New York, NY 10002
212 358 0500
8am-8pm Monday through Friday
10am-8pm Saturday and Sunday


One thought on “Beauty Food

  1. Thanks for the tip and great blog. I’m going to start making fresh green drinks at home. I’ve been using the powders, which are handy too. I also use those emergen-c packs.

    Love ya, Bobbi. Actually, I’ll be going to one of your counters today to get some of your Extra skincare which is the best for winter.



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