Bobbi Brown / Feb 21, 2012
New York Times

As my close friends know, I’m a sucker for great writing. So when I found out that Joan Juliet Buck, the renowned writer, actress, and former Editor-in-Chief of French Vogue, would be interviewing me for a T Magazine article, I was absolutely thrilled. Joan Juliet spent a few months interviewing me and those in my inner circle to get an insider’s look into my sometimes crazy life.

Published this past Sunday, her beautifully crafted article covers everything from my quirks to the mantras I live by. Read on to see this amazing piece – it’s one of my favorites.


Here is the link to the full article- CLICK HERE.

Behind the scenes


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  1. Cari

    Posted 21 Feb 2012

    I love this article! True beauty inside and out.


  2. mamavalveeta03

    Posted 21 Feb 2012

    Whoa, Bobbi!! Looking smokin’ in those heels!


  3. jane

    Posted 21 Feb 2012

    I enjoyed the article. I especially liked your view of city life. After 20 some years living and working in the city, I have been in suburbia for the last 5 1/2 years. While I enjoy the occasional visit I am happy to come home to Westfield. I do however, miss the restaurants.


  4. Elva

    Posted 21 Feb 2012

    Read it n’ totally love the article.
