Breaking News


Me and Veronika—my awesome VP of Global Communications—at Yahoo Headquarters.


I’ve always said that if I wasn’t a makeup artist, I would love to be a teacher or an editor. Now, in an exciting and unexpected new role, I’ll get to do both.

I couldn’t be more psyched to announce that I’ll be joining Yahoo News as the Editor in Chief of Yahoo Beauty. In recent months, Yahoo has been working to put together an all-star editorial team, including Katie Couric, David Pogue, Virginia Heffernan, and Matt Bai—all writers and journalists who I really admire. Yahoo is poised to become the top source for cutting-edge news coverage, and I’m confident I’ll bring similarly strong content to Beauty and Lifestyle coverage. I’m honored to be joining such an impressive roster.

As EIC, I’ll work to curate smart, strong content that will teach women how to be their best selves. Since 1997, I’ve written and published eight books that explore my beauty philosophy—be pretty, be confident, be who you are. I’m really proud of this work, and I’m so excited to bring these ideas to a broader audience through Yahoo, which has 800 million—yes, you read that right—active monthly users. That’s a lot of pretty powerful.

So, stay tuned and I look forward to seeing you over at Yahoo.





10 thoughts on “Breaking News

  1. do you have gluten free make up thank you


    Bobbi Brown Reply:

    Reply on April 9th, 2014

    Hi Sandy. Our Consumer Care team is standing by to help alleviate any concerns and provide full ingredient details. Please call 1-888-303-7615 or email us at [email protected] and include your contact information so we can reach you directly.


  2. Can you put coconut oil on your face?


    Bobbi Brown Reply:

    Reply on April 9th, 2014

    You sure can, Helene. Coconut oil will help to intensely hydrate your skin plus offer a beautiful glow. Try it and let us know your results!


  3. Great Bobbi! Love you, your philoophy and many of your books. As I never spend time on Yahoo, they made the right move in collaborating with you! Looking forward.


  4. Very cool, Bobbi- I’m traveling to Louisville, KY from Indy and taking my BB makeup with me, (as always) for an event to help combat hunger. My husband and I are coordinators for the state of Indiana and we meet and greet many folks, so I try to look my best without looking “made-up.” Your products help do that- I’ve been using your beauty products since you first came on the scene- I loved you then and I love you now…and would love to read your new book!
    - Always a fan of Ms. BB



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